No shows

Front Office Reports No Shows

The term “no shows” refers to pending arrivals that failed to check in by the time the end-of-day routine starts. Please note that you cannot manually assign a “No Show” status to a reservation. All guests that have not arrived by the time you run the end-of-day routine appear in the no show report. Right-click a name to open the Navigator and view or edit the reservation details (change the arrival or departure dates, cancel the reservation etc.).

If you click OK to confirm, all guests listed in the report are automatically assigned a “No Show” status.

The report provides the following options:

Reactivate for Today

If you want to change a “No Show” status of a guest to an “Arrival” status for the next day, select the reservation and click this button.

Reactivate Today + CI

Similar to “Reactivate for Today” but also checks in the guest.

Late Reservation+CI

Creates a walk-in reservation after the end-of-day routine that can be reserved and checked in for the previous day. Click this button to open the Reservation dialog box and create the reservation. Click [OK] to create the reservation, check in the guest and post the accommodation charges.

Make sure to check all relevant details (e.g. room number, rate code and rate) before confirming the reservation. Once confirmed, the reservation cannot be moved. If you post incorrect rates, these need to be cancelled and the correct rates must be posted manually.

Late CI

If a guest arrives after the reservation received a “Now Show” status during the end-of-day routine, you can click this button to change the status to “Check In.”

Select the reservation and click the [Late CI] button to check in the guest and post the accommodation charges.

NOTE: Make sure to check all relevant details (e.g. room number, rate code and rate) before confirming the reservation. Once confirmed, the reservation cannot be moved. If you post incorrect rates, these need to be cancelled and the correct rates must be posted manually.


Prints a list of all no show reservations from the previous day.


Available user rights


FO NoShow Late CI

Controls access to the [Late CI] feature for the no show report.


FO No Show report

Authorizes the user to access the now show report.


FO NoShow list late reservation and CI

Controls access to the [Late Reservation+CI] feature for the no show report.


Available settings

New in version 2013.17.291 from 17.07.2013

If requested, no show reservations can be checked in to a day room that has previously been checked-out. In addition, protel can check the room status when checking in the no-show reservation.

 Ask your protel Support Team to set up your protel system accordingly! We’re happy to help