Rate Code Details

System Data  Rates  Rate Code Details

Rate management

For each created rate code a rate code detail must be created that displays the rate shown in Front Office.

Opening the menu item “Rate code detail” opens the dialogue “Rate management” that displays the rate codes already associated with rate code details in a tree view structure. To view a newly created rate code, you first need to assign certain details to it. On top of that, you can also create rate codes from here, as described in the previous chapter.

Clicking on the plus sign expands the view of the concerned rate code to display the rate code details. You obtain information on the validity of the details, the names and rates. 

Under the branch “expired rates”, you find all rate code details that are expired due to their validity. Find under “Company rates” all rate codes that have the character “special rate only’ assigned.

A right mouse click in the window or on an existing rate type detail, opens the context menu that offers several options for treatment.


Opens either the dialogue “Rate codes (if a rate type is right clicked) or the dialogue “Rate code detail” (if a rate code detail is right clicked) for editing.

Create new detail

Opens the dialogue “Rate code detail” for creation of new detail.

Create new rate code

Opens the dialogue “Rate codes" for creation or new type.

Copy rate code with all details

Copies an existing rate code with all corresponding details. A window appears to enter a new name. 


Prints a listing of all rate code details.

Clicking on an existing rate type detail adds further options:

Enter description


At creation of new rate code details with assignment of room types or timely limitation, it is not necessary to reenter all settings an x number of times. With the copy of the existing rate code detail you take over individually entered data such as rates, texts, splitting/arrangements, child rates etc. Afterwards you may conduct changes. 

Delete description

Deletes the highlighted rate code detail.



Create new / Edit Rate code details

If you select the option “Open” in the context menu of a rate code detail, the dialogue box for creation and editing of the rate code details opens up. It is divided into 3 tabs. 



Rate Code Detail

In this tab you define the booking details and the validity of the rate code details. It is divided into four sections. 

The upper part determines the assignment of the rate code detail. In the field “Reference” an internal protel number is attributed. 

The name of the detail is entered in the field “name” and the assignment of a previously created room type is done through the pick up menu “Rate”. This makes the rate code together with its assigned details visible in the Rate Management Dialogue Box. From here you may, if needed, assign a previously created yield level. 

Rate limitations

In this section you determine, when and under which conditions the rate code is supposed to be valid. 

You may set a rate code for a defined period of time to “valid” or “not valid from”. Tag the corresponding checkbox and enter a time frame in the entry fields next to the checkboxes. If you select the option ”not valid from”, the rate code is always valid except for the defined period. This option is very useful for entries of Trade show rates. 

The availability of a rate code may depend on the stay duration of a guest or on the number of adults. Therefore please define in the corresponding field the minimum and maximum number of room nights and the minimum and maximum number of adults. The rate code detail will then only be offered if the guest reserves within the minimal or maximum time of stay and if the number of adults corresponds as indicated. 

In the pick up menus below, you can limit the rate code details for specific hotels (MPE installations), for specific room types (to a max of 5) or for specific rooms. Should your rates differ from room to room, it is recommended to create a rate code detail for each room. 

Through tagging the checkboxes of the individual week days, you may block rate code if the arrival of a booking happens to be on the selected day(s).


Settings (availability)

Version 2014.18.401
There is a system setting which makes sure that new rate code details are set as “not available” by default. This setting can be useful to avoid transferring availabilities to the IDS while creating a new rate code detail.

Version 2014.20.175
There is a system setting which makes sure that a warning list displaying all affected reservations will pop up as soon as a user changes rate limitations for an existing rate code detail.

 Your protel support team will gladly make the respective settings for you. Feel free to contact us!


Posting pattern

In here determine the currency and the revenue account on which the internal value, after deduction of the accommodation split, is posted. Then select an accommodation transaction account and choose from the pick up menu in the next row the posting pattern. You have the choice of several possibilities such as: daily, date of arrival, Sundays, in night 2 etc. However it is possible to exclude certain nights from the posting pattern. 

Example: The guest stays 7 nights, but only needs to pay for 5 nights. You could set the posting pattern to daily and enter in the field “not in nights “6,7”. This will block the posting on the 6th and 7th night. 

Posting room charge

In the field "Internal text" you can enter an internal name that will be for instance printed on the posting ledger. The content of the field “Billing text” is printed on the guest invoice. If the number of guests is higher than 1 you can call upon a dialogue through the button 2-6 Adults, in which you may enter separate invoice texts for additional guests. If the number of persons is superior to 6 or if no separate text has been entered for the persons, the default invoice text is printed. 

For each detail you may already in here assign a market/source code, this results in a pre-fill up of market and source codes at reservation for the concerned rate codes. Choose the corresponding codes from the pick up menus. 

The field “Package Number” and the related checkbox help the creation of a package rate. This subject is treated in the following chapter “Rate type Packages”.




In the upper left window of this menu you see the assigned seasons with date and name. To assign new seasons, right click on the background to open up the context menu. Several options are offered for editing:

Season periods

In order to allot new season periods, right click on the background of the field in order to access the context menu.

Various editing options will be offered:

New season assignment

Opens the season table for selecting the season. By double-clicking on the respective season, it will be adopted to the rate code detail. The exact creation of the season periods will be explicitly explained in the chapter on "Season Periods".

Delete season assignment

If you would like to remove a season period from the rate code detail, please right-click and select this option. Answer "yes" for the question, "Delete season period for this rate code detail?". The season period will be removed from the rate code detail.

Modify season rates

Opens the season table so that you can edit your season periods there (extend, shorten, rename, re-create, etc.). The exact creation of the season periods will be explicitly explained in the chapter on "Season Periods".


Weekend days

In the upper right hand corner of the window select the respective checkbox to define the days on which the guests are to be calculated for a changed (reduced / increased) weekend rate instead of the normal rate.


Rate grid is not season dependent

If you have activated this checkbox, the season periods will be ignored and only the rate of the standard table counts.


Save rate grid for marked season

When using the various season rates, you can change the rates in the rate table, select the desired season in the upper left, and save the rates for the marked season by clicking on this button.


Create or save rate table for multiple Season Periods (Version 2014.18.755) or later

There is the possibility for saving multiple season periods simultaneously. To do so, click on the [Create or save rate table for multiple season periods] button and set a check in front of the desired season periods.


protel SD > Rates> rate code details > "Rates" tab > Create rate table for multiple season periods

The rates entered in the rate table will then be used for the selected season periods.

Adult rates

In the middle part you notice a table in which you can indicate the rates of the detail for 1 to 6 persons (Rate 1-6 Adults, minimum rate, weekend rate, weekend minimum rate). The entry of minimum rates protects the minimum rate. It can now not be under quoted by any special rate entry in Front Office. 

Children rates

This table lets you configure children and additional rollaway bed rates. 

Enter in here the amounts that should increase the room rate according to number of kids (in reservation “Child1”, “Child 2”, “Child 3”, “Child 4”, “Add bed” and “Cot”) and the given conditions. 

In parents room

To be invoiced amount if children stay in the parent’s room.

In own room

To be invoiced amount, if children take up a different room. In this case there must be a “0” in the reservation under "Persons" and the corresponding number is entered for “Child 1” or “Child 2”. 

% of adult rate on occupation of 1, 2 or 3 adults

Increase of value by percentage, if children stay in parent’s room. Here you may differentiate the amount, meaning for the stay with one adult (SGL room) you may have a different percentage than for a stay with 2 adults (DBL room)

% or adult rate for x adults

Increase of value by percentage, for which the calculation ground is fixed. E.g. a child 1 pays 50% of the adult rate. 

As you can tell by the plus sign, you may enter a fixed amount as well as a % amount. The amounts will then be added. 

If you work with season periods, meaning your rates vary according to the different seasons, highlight the concerned season; enter a rate in the table and click on the button Save rate grid for marked season.

Should you not wish to respect season periods for the created rates, please activate the checkbox  Rate grid is not season dependent


Settings (rates)

Version 2014.18.660
protel supports room rates for up to 20 adults. Please note that the use of rates for more than 6 adults must be activated in protel. Even for the IDS connect add-on module, protel Daily Rates and the protel Web Services, special versions will need to be installed to be able to implement this feature.

Your protel support team will gladly make the respective settings for you. Feel free to contact us!




This option gives you the opportunity to flexibly split your rates.

On the left side you see all available components, meaning the previously created split table / packages. The creation of split tables is explained further in the chapter “Split tables”.

To assign Split tables to the rate details, click on the concerned available split table and drag and drop the component to the field “Fixed splitting”.  When a split table is fixed, the created transaction accounts within, gets split out of the rate.

Additionally to the fixed splitting, you may assign bookable Packages. Those can be flexibly assigned at reservation time. This is always very welcome for sports packages. The client can declare upon arrival, if he wants to use the sports activity. In this case you select the package and assign it to the reservation. If the guest decides not to use the activity, you simply do not assign it to the reservation. 

To remove split tables or packages again from the rate code detail, highlight the entry on the right side and drag and drop it back into its original position on the left side table. 



Rate Code Packages

As of version 9.906 it exist extended functionalities for the creation of packages. It is now possible to sum up total packages on the invoice. This means that all postings appear as one total position on the invoice. 

It is also possible to regroup various rate codes on the invoice as one package. 

On top of that the split tables were expanded, to be able to create charges within the split tables for those nights in which the posting is to be done. 

The information for the package posting is assigned in the rate code detail dialogue box:

The package number is the internal indication of the package for the assignment of the different postings that are to be enclosed in these packages. The tagged checkbox  only one package per invoice activates the summing up of postings to one total package. If the same package number is created in different rate codes, the postings on the invoice are done within one package.  

On the invoice one will only see one package in which all room nights have been added up together.


In the split table one has the choice between several options for treatment of charges within a package. 


The assignment of package numbers determines, if it happens to be the component of an existing package or if an additional package needs to be created. If a charge carries the same number, as a number fixed within the rate codes, those postings are taken over into the package of the invoice. 

In our example the “Fango” treatment and the seaweed bath were regrouped together into a new package called “Wellness”. The massage has the same package number as the rate code and has therefore been added up together with the room night into the “Special Package”.