
Front Office Profiles “Future” tab

This tab displays all future reservations for a guest profile. Cancellations are shown in red with the status “Cancelation.”

Available functions


Right-click a reservation to open the Navigator for further editing of the selected guest.

Use the [New] button to create a new reservation for the guest profile you have opened.

Cancel existing reservations.

Reactivate reservations that have already been canceled.

Print the displayed reservation.

Access additional functions (ONLY POSSIBLE if the relevant additional functions have been configured in the system).

Extended tooltip

If the Extended tooltip function is enabled, placing your mouse pointer over a reservation will display additional information such as the reservation number or cancelation date and reason.


Available Settings

Version 2014.18.401 | If desired, the cancellation reason will be displayed for cancelled reservations which are in the future. Please contact your protel support to make the necessary settings for you. Feel free to contact us!


Available User Rights


FO guest profile Future tab - Create New Reservation

If this user right is revoked, the user will not be able to create a reservation by means of the future tab located in the guest profile.