Personal data |
Front Office Profiles
“Pers. Data” tab
This tab shows personal information about the guest.
Enter the guest's date of birth and marital status, if required. You can then use this information when generating birthday lists and mailings. Entry of a car registration number is for information purposes only.
Travel document
You can use this section to enter information about identification papers such as a personal ID card or passport for information purposes.
If you enter a company name here, it is used for information purposes only. It is not connected to the company reservation details and simply identifies the company for which the guest works.
You can use this section to enter tax numbers (e.g., the company's VAT number) or select a tax exemption code.
Use the right window pane to enter or access additional information about the company.
Credit cards |
Use this to store or import the guest's credit card details. Click on the entry to open a dialog box for creating a new credit card.
To edit or delete an existing card, right-click the card to open the context menu. If your system has an interface to a card reader, click the [ button to import the credit card into protel automatically. If you do not have this interface, you can enter all information in the relevant boxes manually.You can use the “Authorisation” pane to perform a credit card authorization in order to verify the validity and credit limit of a credit card. The amount you enter can range from the rate for one night to the cost of the entire stay. |
Click the entry to save details from member cards (e.g., for certain discount promotions). Select the card type from the drop-down list and enter the number. |
Contract number |
If a contract exists with the company, click the entry to enter the relevant number. |
Homepage |
Click here to enter a URL for the company/guest. If you have a connection to the Internet, clicking the link will open the website you have entered. |
Available user rights |
194 |
FO Credit card authorisation |
Enables/disables credit card authorization in the guest profile (and in the “More” menu). |
822 |
FO Credit cards |
Authorizes the user to access, create, or edit credit card information in the guest profile. |