Inhouse list

Front Office Reports Inhouse

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This list shows - as the name indicates - all the guests who are booked into your hotel at a particular day or for a certain time period. If you open the list for a future date, all guests who are supposed to be inhouse at the entered date will appear. For each element of this list, the respective guest invoice or profile can quickly be retrieved in order to add a note or comment for instance (just right-click to call the Navigator).

Opening the report

To open the inhouse report:

The following dialog box appears:

Available user rights


FO Inhouseliste

Berechtigt den Anwender,die Inhouse-Liste aufzurufen.



Enter a specific date.


Enter a specific guest name if required. It is usually sufficient to enter the first couple of letters of the name. protel automatically displays all guests whose name starts with these letters.

If you select the check box next to the input field, you can enter any part of the name. This would allow you to find a guest named “vom Stein” when entering “stein”, for example. The search returns all arrivals whose guest names contain the string you entered (e.g. Steinbrück, vom Stein, Dürsteiner etc.).


To find a reservation for specific rooms, you can enter one or several room numbers (separated by commas).


Select this check box to include internal hotel accounts in the inhouse report. If the check box is cleared, the list contains room reservations only. This check box is selected by default.


You can search for a reservation that is associated with a specific accompanying person.

First name

Finds guests with this first name.

From version 2013.18.067
It is sufficient to enter the first couple of letters of the first name. protel automatically displays all guests whose name starts with these letters.

Sc/TA /Cm/Gp

Shows the company / group / travel agent that made the reservation. If you select the check box next to the input field, you can enter any part of the name as described above.

Sort mode

Define how the list should be sorted. You can sort the guests alphabetically by name or numerically by room number in ascending order.

If you select “Group,” the guests will be sorted according to their group membership, i.e. all guests of the same group are listed together.

The R. plan order” option sorts your inhouse guests by the position of the respective reservation in the room plan.


Select the Include arrivals check box to also display arrivals (guest who will arrive and have not yet been checked in).

Select the Include departed guests check box to also show departed guests (guests who have already been checked out).

Select the Incl. CI departures check box to also show guests who will check out on the selected date.

Structure and features

[Add-Ons]: Access additional functions (ONLY POSSIBLE if the relevant additional functions have been configured in the system).

The [Refresh Rates] button updates the display if invoices or rates have been changed for a guest.

Show extended tooltip checkbox: Depending on the settings in the PROTEL.INI file, shows additional information on the reservation when you move the mouse pointer over it.

Right-click a reservation to open the navigator.

Double-click a reservation to open the DC-Menu.

Available settings

The number of nights can be displayed in a separate column. Please contact your protel Support for the necessary settings.