
System Data  Report  Reports

Here you find all already created reports with all their detailed information in a listing. 

Several buttons for editing of entries are at your disposal:


This button opens the dialogue box “Report module set up”.


Removes the highlighted report(s).


Prints the highlighted report(s).


Opens the report on a screen preview. You may print the report from there. 


A new dialogue box opens with a brief description of the report

In the above Window – if available – you will see a preconfigured protel text that you cannot amend. The lower window is the space for own remarks and details.

This dialogue opens as well if you right click on an entry in the list. 

Kopieren (German for: copy)

Select a report and click this button. The selected report will be created as "Copy of xy", including the report module and the query.


Report module setup

The dialogue for creation or editing of reports is divided into four sections that are explained in the following paragraphs. 

Report module

Apply a report name and determine in the field “Copies”, how many copies should be printed per default of this report. 

The Checkbox  Report server path helps the system consultant to edit/adjust/expand the existing reports and is not destined for hotel usage. 

The button Report module opens a list of existing reports, out of which you may select the corresponding report. In the field below, the name of the selected report is automatically filled in.  

Select a report group from the pick up menu “Report Group”, to which you want to assign the report to. If you assign for example a report to the group “end of day”, the report is printed at day’s end.

The field “Switch-Nr.” helps you to attribute an internal system number that is responsible for printing a  report at the pressing of particular print buttons. If there is a number in here, edit it only upon instruction of protel hotelsoftware GmbH.

The fields "CKit", "CKitRepExeCondition", "SQLExeCondition" help the system consultant to edit/adjust/expand the existing reports and are not destined for hotel usage. 


Optionen ("options")

Tagging the checkboxes lets you set further options for the report.

Mandatory print EOD+EOM+EOY 

If this option is tagged, it is not possible to avoid printing of the report at Day’s, month’s or year’s end. 

Spool to manager spooler

Tagging this, makes a special day end report available for the manager and will only be legible by him. This Day end report will not appear in the EOD window, but is created in the manager spooler.

Don’t change data at update 

If this option is tagged, no update is conducted for this report (important for individually created reports).


If this option is tagged, this report can not be integrated in the day’s, month’s or year’s end. 

Don’t display in FO

If this option is tagged, the report is not displayed under menu item “Office” - “Report spooler” in Front Office.

If a user group has been selected from the pick up menu “user group”, only users of this group may call upon the report.  

Use alternate printer

Tagging the checkbox activates the menu under button  ... , which opens a window from where you can choose a particular report for another printer. 


Report evaluates the following data

Tagging of those checkboxes determines to which database the report is to be assigned. This is helpful at a later stage at selection of reports. 


Sorting and query

In here dbase expressions are defined that determine the sort order of the, to be printed, queries and that allow to set certain filters.

Important! These entries shall only be edited in the context of team work with protel hotelsoftware GmbH.


Please note! The buttons orig. Sort. and orig. query. are only to be used upon protel’s instruction!