Search bar

If required, you can ask the protel support team to configure a search bar that will allow you enter (part of) a guest's name to search for the guest. The search will return all reservations and guest profiles that match the search string. Alternatively, you can enter room numbers, reservation numbers or confirmation numbers to search for any matching records.

The search for mobile numbers, passport numbers and emails is also possible ( Version 2014.18.755 or later).

Supported commands

In addition, the search bar allows you to enter specific commands:




$nav #param1

Opens the protel Navigator window for a specific reservation. param1 stands for an internal protel reservation number, a confirmation number or a room number.

$nav #108
Shows a reservation for room 108.

$ci #param1

Checks in param1. param1 stands for an internal protel reservation number, a confirmation number or a room number. If a check-in cannot be completed, protel opens the Navigator window.

$ci #502
Checks in the reservation for room 502.

$co #param1

Checks out param1. param1 stands for an internal protel reservation number, a confirmation number or a room number. If a direct check-out cannot be completed, protel opens the invoice window.

$co #116
Checks out the reservation for room 116.

$bqt #param1

(only if a valid license for the Banquet module has been purchased)

Opens the dialog box for banquet reservations. param1 stands for an internal protel banquet reservation number, a banquet confirmation number or a room name preceded by a hash sign (#).

$bqt #PB5145A229LX
Opens the banquet reservation dialog box for an event that has the confirmation number PB5145A229LX assigned to it.


The protel search bar requires a certain setting to be activated. For more information, please contact your protel distributor or the protel support team.