BWI Add-ons

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Figure 44:
Accessing BWI Add-Ons












Figure 45:
BWI short-cuts

All BWI-Add-on modules can be found in [Add-Ons] – see figure 44.








The most commonly used modules have their own shortcuts (Ctrl + 0-5) and can be opened by means of any action from the Front Office- see figure 45.


BWI CRS number search (Ctrl + 0)



Figure 46:
Search for BWI confirmation
number in the BWI CRS




Figure 47:
Display of the search results;
Accessing Navigator by
means of the context menu


This add-on makes it possible for you to directly search for a BWI confirmation number - see figure 46.

If the search has been successful, the reservation information will be shown in a new window. Right-clicking on the reservation opens the Navigator containing all of the reservation-linked information directly available to you - see figure 47.


BWI cancellation number search (Ctrl + 1)



Figure 48:
BWI Cancel number search


This add-on makes it possible for you to directly search for a BWI confirmation number - see figure 48.


If your search is successful, the reservation information will be shown in a new window. Right-clicking the reservation opens the Navigator containing all of the reservation-linked information directly available to you.


BWI guest profile search (Ctrl + 2)


With the aide of the lookup function, guest data can be directly looked up in the CRS (compare section “BWI CRS Guest Look up“).


BWI reservation sync (Ctrl +3)


Figure 49:
BWI Reservation Sync




Figure 50:
Entry of the CRS number

CRS Number

The synchronization tools seen in the left part of the window require a CRS number which can be entered here:


arrow_grey_300x450 Note: The number is automatically entered when accessing the dialog box from one of the two CRS search tools (BWI confirmation number search, BWI cancellation number search).


Resend Reservation from CRS to PMS

By means of the CRS number entered above, a reservation can be requested for again. Existing reservations in protel can be over-written with the data from the CRS. Information such as notices will then be lost.

Resend Reservation Cancellation from PMS to CRS

Should a reservation have been cancelled in protel, but not in the CRS, the cancellation will be able to be resent to the CRS from protel in order to cancel the reservation there as well.

Reinstate PMS Reservation in CRS

With the aide of this function, a reservation which had been cancelled in the CRS will be able to be re-implemented if it is still active in protel.

Re-upload all active Reservations from PMS to CRS

All reservations without a CRS number can be resent by protel to the CRS for a selectable time period.

Clear Reservation Export Queue

By means of this function, reservations which have not yet been exported will be deleted from the Export waiting list so that they are not send to the CRS again.


BWI conversion tool (Ctrl + 4)


The BWI Conversion Tool compares the rate codes and room types configured in protel with those from the CRS and helps you with checking this information.

The window is empty when opening. Click the [Load] button to load the data saved in protel and the CRS and to execute a comparison of the rate codes and room types. The results will be displayed in two columns: To the left you will notice the configured rate codes and room types in protel; to the right you will find the data saved in the CRS - see figure 51.


Figure 51:
BWI Conversion Tool –
comparison of the protel system configuration
with the BWI CRS



protel Setup


Best Western Setup





PMS Rate Codes




Rate code name from the system data


Explanation of the rate code. Comparable with text 1 / text 2 in the rate codes.

Rate group code

Allocated  Rate Group (Level A-H)

Base rate code

Rate code

Send to crs

Send rate code updates to the CRS?
Y = yes;  N = No;  NA = not available

Send guarantee code to crs

Send guarantee conditions / cancellation conditions?
Y = yes;  N = No;  NA = not available

Send status to crs

NA = not available

Flat or percent

P= percentage discount
F = rate is reduced by a flat amount

Invalid date

not available

Valid date

not available

Valid room type combos

Only with activated Room type mapping option = Yes
Display of the room types which are allocated with the rate codes.



PMS Room Types




Name of room type


Description of room type


Minimal occupancy (number of persons)


Maximal occupancy (number of persons)



Mismatches will be displayed in color:

  • Red = the respective rate code / the respective room types is missing from the opposite page.

  • Yellow = at least one field does not correspond with the opposite side.

  • No Marking = the information corresponds on both sides.


Room type mapping



Figure 52:
Room types for
comparison purposes

In the upper right corner of the window, click Room type mappingYes to display the allocated room type for each rate code - see figure 52.

The allocated room types will be displayed in the valid room type combos column - see figure 53.


Figure 53:
Display of the allocated room types


Adapting protel to BWI requests







Figure 54:
Changing single criteria in the Conversion Tool.

By clicking the [Print] button, you will have the possibility of exporting the results in PDF format. For example, the print can be submitted to the manager for further scrutiny.

Based on the displayed differences, the necessary adjustments can be made.

Changes can either be made in the protel system data or directly entered into the BWI Conversion Tool (in-line). Simply click on the desired cell in the chart and select the appropriate value from the drop-down menu - see figure 54.


BWI sync tool (Ctrl + 5)


The BWI Sync Tool enables you to send the restriction values and availabilities for a selectable time-period to the CRS.

Select a desired type of synchronization by clicking the respective radio button.

The desired time period needs to be preset for each type of synchronization (fields From and To). Depending on the type of synchronization selected, you will be offered additional selection fields, such as Rate Level and Room Type. All in all, there are 5 synchronization possibilities at your disposal (see below).


Figure 55:
Add-on Modules >
BWI Sync Tool


Send room type specific availability

By means of this point the specific availabilities per room type and rate group will be sent to the CRS for the selected time-period.

Send restrictions

The rate strategies for the selected rate group or for the selected combination of rate group and room type will be sent by this towards the CRS.

Resend rate amounts

By clicking this button, your rates will be resent for up to 18 months in advance towards the CRS.

Send full availability

By means of this point, the specific total availability per rate group will be sent to the CRS for the selected time-period.

Re-sync groups

Resends group reservations from protel to the CRS. Either all of the groups or a single group can be sent. Additionally, sending can be limited to a certain room type.

Only active : only groups which have not been cancelled will be sent.

Re-sync all cancelled groups

Sends all cancelled groups anew from the CRS.

Once you’ve completed all the relevant settings in the Cloud Center, click on.


Reservations without CRS number




Figure 56:
Reservations without CRS number


This function looks for reservations without the BWI confirmation number and creates a respective list - see figure 56.

Right clicking on a reservation opens the Navigator, where the reservation can be edited, if desired.

When necessary, you can resend the reservations to the CRS without using the CRS number (see section BWI Reservation Sync Tool > Reupload all active Reservations from PMS to CRS).




BWI activity report





Figure 58:
BWI Activity Report


This report shows all of the reservations which have been sent from the CRS to protel.

Enter a date or a time-period and click the [Search] button. As a result, all of the reservations which have been received in the requested time period will be displayed.

The sent reservation can have the following status:

Commit: The reservation has been sent as a new reservation

Modify: The reservation has been changed

Ignore: The reservation has been cancelled


BWI reservations (cancelled)


This report shows all of the CRS reservations which have been cancelled via the CRS.


BWI reservations


This report shows all of the reservations which have been booked via the CRS.


BWI traces to reservations (creation date)


This list shows you all of the traces which have been transmitted together with the BWI reservations.

Start the list by clicking on [Add-on modules] - BWI traces to reservations - Date of receipt.


Cancelled reservations without CXL number


This list contains reservations cancelled in protel which were not allotted a cancellation number on the BWI side.

Start the list by clicking on [Add-on modules] - Reservations without CXL number.


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