Interface maintenance

Daily tasks for managing the BW interface

The following lists should be processed in the daily front-desk routines, in order to avoid differences between protel and the Member Web. We recommend checking the lists 3 times a day; once per work shift. The work required is kept small and therefore does not require much time:

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1. Interface error messages:

2. Reservations without CRS number

Resend BWI-Reservations

Check completeness for reservation profiles:

Each reservation must contain at least one adult person:

3. Reservations without CXL number

Check completeness for reservation profiles:

Each reservation must contain at least one adult person:

How to correct single reservations?

1. Interface error messages:

You can open the interface traffic light in protel FO to the top left. If the red light is blinking, it means that you have received new error messages which need to be processed:


Figure 1: Interface traffic light


The error messages are documented in the Cloud in our error message list. You can open our BW documentation in protel under Add-Ons, under the button ‘BW usermanual and help’:



There you will find the respective explanations and solutions for every error message. For example, if reservations cannot be sent out to Best Western, they will be in the list. Therefore, we recommend to edit the error message list first and then to check the other two lists. Once you have processed an error message, you can delete it.

 If the error message reappears in the traffic light even though you have executed the correction beforehand, we kindly ask you to contact us at:

2. Reservations without CRS number

You can find this list in protel Front Office under the Add-ons -> Reservations without CRS numbers tab:


Figure 2: Add ons


After clicking on the button, another window opens in which you will need to enter today's date, as well as the date for 51 weeks into the future.


Figure 3: Match data


The reason for this is that the interface sends all of the reservations which are within the next 51 weeks to Best Western. If there are reservations which are further in the future, they will not be allocated a CRS number.

protel sends reservations to Best Western 51 weeks in advance. After the End of Day procedure, protel checks to see which reservations are within these 51 weeks and will then be sent respectfully when appropriate.

    Should there be reservations in the list, please check the following points:

Resend BWI-Reservations

The first step is to always resend the reservation to Best Western with the help of the "BWI resend reservation" in the Navigator:


Figure 4: Resend BWI Reservations


However, this only applies to active reservations. It is impossible to once again resend reservations which have the "cancelled", "OOA", or "waiting list" status.

One reason for this can be a bad internet connection. Other possibilities might be that the Best Western server or our Cloud Server are not available.

Check completeness for reservation profiles:

Make sure that the mandatory fields in the guest profile have been filled in (First name, Last name, Salutation, Nationality, and Country).


Figure 5: Mandatory fields in the guest profile


Please make sure that the following information has been properly entered into the profiles: telephone number, fax number, and mobile phone number. This also includes the profiles for the attached companies, sources, and travel agencies:


Figure 6: Incorrect entry of communication methods


When making entries into this field, it is important to note that NO LETTERS can be used when entering telephone numbers, fax numbers and mobile phone numbers. If there is a text saved after the number, we kindly ask you to copy the number with the text and to save it under "Additional Communication Methods". You will then need to remove the text for the above communication methods, see example on the next page.

The reason for this is that Best Western only accepts numbers and the following special characters: /-+(). Further communication methods will not be sent to Best Western and can be filled:


Figure 7: Proper entry of additional communication methods


The email address must contain an @ symbol. Otherwise, Best Western will not recognize it as a valid email address and as a result will not accept the guest's reservation.

Each reservation must contain at least one adult person:

This also applies to group reservations: each group member needs to have at least one saved adult person in the reservation, see illustration:

This can be easily seen in the group member list. Even if a reservation in the group member list is located on an account, instead of a room, this account reservations must include at least one adult person.

3. Reservations without CXL number

You can find this list in protel Front Office under the Add-ons -> Reservations without CXL number tab:


Figure 13: Add-ons


After clicking on the button, another window opens in which you will need to enter today's date, as well as the date for 51 weeks into the future.


Figure 14: Match data


The reason for this is that the interface sends all of the reservations which are within the next 51 weeks to Best Western. If there are reservations which are further in the future, they will not be allocated a CRS number and will thus not receive a CXL number.

With End of Day procedure, protel sends an additional day, so that we are always within the 51 weeks.

*    Should there be reservations in the list, please check the following points:

Check completeness for reservation profiles:

Make sure that the mandatory fields in the guest profile have been filled in (First name, Last name, Salutation, Nationality, and Country):


Figure 15: Mandatory fields in the guest profile


Take care for the proper entry of telephone number, fax number, mobile phone number, and email addresses in profiles. This also includes the profiles for the attached companies, sources, and travel agencies:


Figure 16: Incorrect entry of communication methods


When making entries into this field, it is important to note that NO LETTERS can be used when entering telephone numbers, fax numbers, and mobile phone numbers. If there is a text saved after the number, we kindly ask you to copy the number with the text and to save it under "Additional Communication Methods". You will then need to remove the text for the above communication methods, see example on the next page.

The reason for this is that Best Western only accepts numbers and the following special characters: /-+(). Further communication methods will not be sent to Best Western and can be filled:


Figure 17: Proper entry of additional communication methods


The email address must contain an @ symbol. Otherwise, Best Western will not recognize it as a valid email address and as a result will not accept the guest's reservation.

Each reservation must contain at least one adult person:

How to correct single reservations?

Please reactivate the reservation, wait a few seconds, and cancel it again. The Best Western CXL number should then appear in the reservation's Navigator window.


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