Departures report

Front Office Reports Departures

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The departure report displays all guests whose stay ends on a certain day. All checked-in guests that appear in the report are ready for check-out. You can also quickly access other information about guests, reservation details, or invoices.

Opening the report

To open the departure report:

The following dialog box appears:

Available user rights


FO Departures

Authorizes the user to open the departure report.



Enter a specific date.


Enter a specific guest name if required. It is usually sufficient to enter the first couple of letters of the name. protel automatically displays all guests whose name starts with these letters.

If you select the check box next to the input field, you can enter any part of the name. This would allow you to find a guest named “vom Stein” when entering “stein”, for example. The search returns all departures whose guest names contain the string you entered (e.g. Steinbrück, vom Stein, Dürsteiner etc.).


To find a reservation for specific rooms, you can enter one or several room numbers (separated by commas).


Select this check box to include internal hotel accounts in the list. If the check box is cleared, the list contains room reservations only. This check box is selected by default.


You can search for a reservation that is associated with a specific accompanying person.

First name

Finds guests with this first name.

From version 2013.18.067
It is sufficient to enter the first couple of letters of the first name. protel automatically displays all guests whose name starts with these letters.

Sc/TA /Cm/Gp

Shows the company / group / travel agent that made the reservation. If you select the check box next to the input field, you can enter any part of the name as described above.

Sort order

Define how the list should be sorted. You can sort the guests alphabetically by name or numerically by room number in ascending order.

If you select “Group,” the guests will be sorted according to their group membership, i.e. all guests of the same group are listed together.

The R. plan order” option sorts the displayed departures by their position in the room plan.


Select the Include departed guests check box to also display reservations that have already checked out.

Departure report

The departure report shows all guests that are scheduled to depart on a given date but have not checked out.

Access additional functions (ONLY POSSIBLE if the relevant additional functions have been configured in the system).

You can also create an information invoice for a guest. An information invoice lists all relevant charges to date (can be used as a receipt for payment receipts)

You can flag the guest names for check-out (use the All and None buttons if required).

Extended tooltip checkbox

Shows additional information on the reservations in the report (depending on your PROTEL INI settings).

Check Out

The departure report provides two check-out options. Double-click the reservation or select it and click the [Check Out] button.

If the invoice contains a balance, the Invoice window automatically opens to allow you to post any additional charges. Otherwise the reservation is checked out directly.

Available user rights


FO Arrivals CheckOut (Double Click)

Authorizes the user to double-click guests in the departure report for check-out.

Group check-out

For group check-outs, it may be useful to sort the departure report by group name, click the [All] button to select all members of the group and then click the [Check Out] button.

Example: Checking out the “GM_ITB 2013” group on June 6th, 2012:

  1. Enter the name of the group (or part thereof if the check box is selected) in the “Sc/TA /Cm/Gp” box:

  1. The departure report appears with all members of the group:

  1. Click [All] and then [Check Out].
  2. This checks out all members of the group in one step.