Maintain Allocations

Front Office Reservation Maintain Allocations

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An allocation is a contractually guaranteed number of rooms that a contractual partner (a tour operator, for example) can block out and book for a specific contractual period. Any unused capacities can be returned to the hotel without a cancellation fee under observance of a contractually agreed time limit (this is referred to as dynamic or relative allocation). Once the contractual period comes to an end (closing date), the allocation expires, meaning that any unbooked rooms from the allocation will once again be released for general bookings.

Within protel, there are two types of allocation: Absolute allocation, which involves blocking out a set number of rooms for a dedicated tour operator up to an agreed date.

Dynamic/relative allocation, which involves blocking out a set number of rooms for a tour operator over a longer period, for example from June 1, 2012 until December 31, 2012. With this option, the tour operator is able to return blocked rooms up to an agreed expiration date (a defined number of days before the scheduled arrival date).

Allocations are shown only only on the room type plan, not the actual room plan. Actual reservations from an allocation, however, are indicated on the room plan; in this case, the guest name will be displayed in pink.

There are two types of allocation:

Allocations are only ever shown on the room type plan. For allocations of the type Do not decrease availability, the rooms will be shown in the “Allocation” row; for allocations of the type Decrease availability, the rooms will be removed from availability directly.

We recommend the use of Do not decrease availability allocations.

Since an allocation is not a confirmed reservation, allocations are not included in forecasts, such as the hotel status report or other reports.


Available user rights


FO Maintain allocations

Controls access to allocation maintenance.


Maintaining allocations

Click Reservation > Maintain Allocations to open allocation maintenance.

You use the “Maintain Allocations” dialog box to create (Insert button), edit (Edit button), or delete (Delete button) allocations. Click the [Alloc. History] button for a detailed list of all the actions that have been performed in association with the selected allocation. Click the [Budget] button to open budget management for a selected allocation, where you can define monthly values for the allocation.

Double-click an allocation to open and edit it.

Display options:

All not yet expired allocations are displayed by default. If you also want to display expired allocations, click the “Incl. expired” check box.

If you also want to display canceled allocations, click the “Incl.canceled” check box.


Available user rights


FO Event modification

Controls rights to create and delete allocations.


FO Delete allotment

Controls access to the [Delete] button.


Creating allocations

Click [Insert] to create a new allocation.

Allocation name / Abbreviation

Enter a name and abbreviation for the allocation. These entries are mandatory.

Enter the name of the reservation office (Source), travel agent, group, and / or company for which you want to create the allocation. Enter the first letters or full names in the respective box and click the adjacent button. This opens the corresponding profile, provided this has been created. Otherwise, you can create a new profile.

You must complete one of the four boxes at least.


The “Provision” box is an information box in which you can enter the commission percentage. However, please note that this is not linked to commission clearing. This entry is optional.

Rate code

If a special rate code is to be assigned for all reservations of a particular allocation, select it from this drop-down list. Use the New button to create a new rate code. This opens the system data “Rate Management” window. This entry is optional.

Date (from / to...)

Enter the contractual (validity) period for the allocation.

Release date

absolute  – A fixed expiration date, after which the allocation is no longer available for postings. With this option, rooms will be deducted from the overall availability.

relative  – The number of days before the scheduled arrival date on which the allocation will expire (expiration). The reservation must be posted before this deadline. Example: If this box contained the number “7”, this would mean that the final reservation would have to be entered no later than seven days prior to the scheduled arrival date.

In this box, you can enter the revenue you want to be achieved for each adult. This is for information purposes only and will, at most, be displayed on the allocation reports.

Booker, Int/Ext

The “Booker” and “Int/Ext” boxes are populated by the system automatically.

Room type independent allocation

If you only need to define a specific number of rooms for the allocation, irrespective of whether these are single or double rooms, select the “Room type independent allocation” check box and enter the number of rooms. The number can also be entered percentage-wise. The number of rooms will be calculated based on the entered percentage value and immediately displayed in the Number of rooms field These reservations cannot be created as “Decrease availability”.

Detailled list of room types

If you want to specify a precise number of rooms to be available of each room type for the allocation, select the “Detailled list of room types” check box and enter the required room types (see below).

Decrease availability

If you want the rooms specified in the detailed list to be removed from room type plan availability, select the “Decrease availability” check box.

Select the required room type.

Enter the number of rooms for each room type. You can also specify the average number of adults to be expected per room (optional).

Click the [Insert] button to add the entry to the list.

Click the [Delete] button to remove entries from the list.

Adds all of the hotel’s room types to the list at once with a “Quantity” of 0. Double-click the required room type to select and enter the required quantity. Go through each room type in turn. If you do not require a room type, simply click [Delete] to remove it from the list.

Creating a group master for an allocation

You can create a group master for the allocation. In this case, you can use the [Payment instructions] button to create a collective invoice for all reservations from the allocation. (see the “More button – Payment/routing instructions” section).

If you need to enter additional information about the allocation, click the [Note] button.

Additional info.

[Reservations > Maintain Allocation > Edit allocation / Additional info.]

A special setting must be made in protel in order for the “Additional info.” tab to be shown. For more information, please contact your protel distributor or the protel support team.

If necessary, store a market or source code for the allocation, ‘hear’ and ‘come’ information (where they heard about the hotel and the reason they chose it), and a reservation status.

Every reservation that is created from this allocation will be assigned the features defined here automatically.

Storing the allotment (allocation) status

“Open”: The number of rooms within the allocation can be changed as required for the allocation period.

Please note: If there are any allocations that are still open, but not available for reservations, you will need to make a special setting. Please contact your local protel distributor or the protel support team for assistance.

“Closed”: If the allocation is closed, a snapshot will be created of the rooms posted at this time. To display this original data, you then need to right-click “Display original number” in the “Allocation overview” tab.

Please note: This action cannot be undone!

Allocation overview

[Reservations > Maintain Allocation > Edit allocation / Allocation overview]

You can increase or reduce the number of available rooms for a specific period or specific days. You do this in the Allocation overview.

The “Total” column shows how many rooms have been blocked out for the allocation on that day, how many of these are occupied, and how many are still vacant (Quantity/occupied/Vacant).

As of protel version 2018.20.172 (23 November 2018), features of the Allocation overview table have been improved:

For all marked rows

From the list, select one or more dates for which you want to make changes.

For all marked days

Select the check boxes adjacent to the days for which you want to make changes for a particular period (From.../to...).

Room type

Select the room type for which you want to make changes:


Select the Quantity check box to define the number of rooms of the selected room type you want to assign. Then enter the required number in the adjacent box.

If you do not want an allocation to be available for a particular period, set the number of rooms to “0”.

Dynamic release

Check this box to alter the dynamic expiration deadline for the rooms selected (number of days before the arrival date that the rooms can be released for general bookings).

Click the [Set] button to transfer the changes and display these in the overview.



A special setting is required in protel for this. For more information, please contact your protel distributor or the protel support team.

Context menus for the “Allocation overview” tab

The Allocation overview has two context menus featuring a number of useful functions.

Context menu 1

Click any column header in the overview to open the following context menu:

From this context menu, you can:

Context menu 2

Right-click anywhere within the table to open the following context menu:

From this context menu, you can:

Rooming list

[Reservations > Maintain Allocation > Edit allocation / Rooming list]

Use the “Rooming list” tab page to make reservations for an allocation.

A special setting must be made in protel in order for the “Rooming list” tab to be shown. For more information, please contact your protel distributor or the protel support team.

  1. Enter the name of the guest (or first letters of the name) and click the adjacent button to open the guest search or create a new guest profile.

  2. Then enter the number of adults and choose the room type to the right of this.
  3. Enter the arrival and departure date (must be within the allocation period)
  4. Enter the number of rooms (“#” box).
  5. Then click .

Sharer reservations

For sharer reservations, you first have to create the sharer, then click to transfer this. Then follow the procedure described above.

Available Settings

From version 2013.17.222

When adding a guest profile with special rates agreements to the room list of an allocation, you can set that the relevant special rate code will be pre-selected. By default, the special rate code has to be selected by hand.


[Reservations > Maintain Allocation > Edit allocation / Reservations]

The “Reservations” tab shows all reservations that have been made from the allocation. The list that opens provides an overview of the occupancy status. Right-click the individual reservations to open the Navigator for these reservations.

Click the [Print] button to print the reservations list.


Creating a reservation for an allocation in the room plan or room type plan

You can make reservations for an allocation in the same way as a ‘normal’ reservation. Select the period in the room type plan or room plan, then go to the “Reservation” dialog box to select and allocate the allocation you require from the “Allocation” drop-down list.

The guest name will always be shown in pink in the room plan:

The reservation is automatically assigned with the allocation profiles (source, travel agent, group, and/or company). Created rate codes and payment instructions are also transferred.


Allocation occupancy overview

From the room type plan, left-click a specific date in the allocation row to open the following overview.


The occupancy overview indicates the current bookings status for the allocations entered for a selected date. Use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the window to go to the next or previous days.

Right-click an allocation to open the Allocation overview for the selected allocation (see above). The “Expiry date” indicates the date from which postings can no longer be made for the allocation.

Click the [Allocations] button to open a window showing all the allocations by room type.

Select the check box for details of the room type and allocation. The allocation will then be broken down by individual room types.



Available user rights


FO Overbook allotment

Authorizes the user to overbook allocations (allotments)